Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Planning Process

From Michael Vogt, CGCS

Golf Course Business


Yogi Berra said it best, “The future ain't what it used to be ".

Planning is the process of setting goals, developing strategies, and outlining tasks and schedules to accomplish the goals. Many in-season golf course operational changes are dependent on weather and player demand but as you know the turf never takes a break, especially during the spring. No one can see into the future, you certainly can not plan for emergencies and weather, but you can plan for what you know.

These are some basic planning truths on golf course business:

1. Plan for and save to fund capital replacements on a yearly basis,

2. Plan for budgets based on goals set each year, not past history,

3. Have a set of minimum acceptable standards for golf course conditioning,

4. Plan and monitor labor hours as if they are the make-or-break issue at your course,

5. Document the use of, and use water as if it was a truly limited commodity,

7. Sound equipment maintenance should never be compromised,

8. Spend all money as if the savings went directly into your pocket!

Learn more on these issues at, Golf Course Business.

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